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  • Writer's pictureDee

But it is OUR job

It's that time... the election is a week away. If you haven't voted already, a reminder the General Election is October 22. I criticize the current Mayor often but even he knows the importance of voting. I was thrilled when he closed the Council Meeting with a plea to the citizens of Windsor to vote on October 22. If you know you can't make it, Proxy voting is available.

Our electoral system is not perfect. I don't think anybody would every argue it is. Alas, there are faults with almost any system where you want the few to represent the many. Democracy is what we use. True democracy works best when an informed electorate participates in the process to their maximum abilities. This is NOT what we have. For reasons that could be debated endlessly, a majority of people are choosing to turn their backs on the vote.

It's OUR responsibility to explain the importance of the vote to others. As civic minded individuals, it is up to YOU and I to get people involved with local government. A minority of people, a small minority of voters, chose this government. I can only speculate that in order to see change, Windsor must experience better than a 37% voter turnout. Understand, if WE don't bring people to the polls, nobody else will and THE SAME COUNCIL will be elected.

I want change! Even curent City Council acknowledges that no decision can be made without a quorum. Fellow voters, this means we need AT LEAST a 51% voter turnout. WE CAN DO THIS!

Get a friend to vote. Bring a neighbour to vote. These are small actions that can have a huge impact. No group, no government organization and NOT our current City Council are tasked with the job of engaging voters and increasing voter turnout. This is our job!

You have a week to find your +1! Bring a friend to vote October 22!


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