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  • Writer's pictureDee


It is not my original hashtag. I saw it on Facebook and felt it captured this municipal election perfectly. Imagine what Windsor could be!

I am not naive nor do I have 'puppy dog wishes' that I hope are granted by the new Council. I know things won't change the day immediately following the election. I am aware all issues can't be addressed immediately after the swearing in. I completely understand the newly elected Council will need time to gel and become a formidable team. I am not in need of another explanation as to why the first few months of office can be overwhelming. I GET IT.

BUT, if any change is to happen, any deviation from the status quo, there must be a change in the people sitting at the table. Change MUST start somewhere; there must be a first step. In October, we're being given the opportunity to BE the change we want to see, by voting. This is the first step.

The next step is to bring a friend!

You, me and every voter we know has to introduce a non-voter to the ballot box. A high, or at least higher than 2014, voter turnout is the best way to upset the incumbents. We have a responsibility, not only to vote, but to increase voter turnout

An increased voter turnout is the variable that no incumbent can estimate.

A worst case scenario must be assumed. All incumbents will get at least the same number of votes as last time. Let them have their votes, political allegiance is hard to flip.

There are almost double the number of non-voters as there are voters. (According to City of Windsor website.) These citizens must be everywhere. These are the people with the power but it seems they need an invitation to vote. Do you know somebody that has turned 18 since 2014? Do you know somebody that has lost faith in our system, they used to vote but gave up and quit? A new neighbour? A new citizen?

Let's you and I, concerned citizens who vote, make this election exciting and bring new voters to the polls on October 22.


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