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  • Writer's pictureDee

Last chance

Two weeks today; fourteen days; 336 hours from now, WE will be electing municipal Councillors to represent us at City Hall. Did you vote at the Mall? Have you picked a day you will vote? Are you bringing a new voter with you? It's not difficult, it's free and it gives you a voice in Council Chambers.

The numbers from the first early voting poll are in. Approximately 1500 citizens voted, slightly down from 2014. I'm not discouraged. I know there are many voters waiting to attend debates, I'm one of them. I know I'm voting Matt Marchand for Mayor but I'm not sure who I will choose as Councillor. Ward 10 has good choices and there are still two exciting events next week. It is my hope there lots of people like me, thousands. Tens of thousands to be more accurate. Do I dare say a hundred thousand? But we need the young, the frustrated and disenfranchised to VOTE.

It's not about one person voting. It's about strength in numbers and being part of something bigger; a neighbourhood or community. It's about US, the voters, reaching out to our neighbours, our colleagues and friends. We must be bold enough to ask others if they vote. Numbers from 2014 say 98,000 people didn't vote. We, the 58,000 that did, MUST bring a new voter to the polls. This is non-negotiable. If we have the same people vote, as voted in 2014, Windsor will have the same council.

Windsor needs change! Pick a date to go to the polls! Choose a friend to go with you! VOTE!


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