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  • Writer's pictureDee

🎶Lists, glorious lists🎶

I have been counting down the days until the City of Windsor made the Voters' Lists available for addition and amendment. Yes, if you're in the county, everywhere but A'burg uses the MPAC system. Windsor likes to maintain the Voters' Lists themselves. Not that I agree, but this is how it currently works.

A word about the Voters Lists. It is your RIGHT, as a Canadian citizen over 18, and an individual living in Windsor, to vote. Nobody can take this from you!! Not the Election Clerk's office nor a Returning Officer where you vote. The first step to voting is to ensure you are on the 2018 Voter's Lists.

If you are unsure or uncomfortable checking the lists, please leave your email in the CONTACT section. You will be put in touch with someone that will help you with this process. If you are eligible to vote and want to vote, you should be on the lists.

IF it is time for you to vote and you never checked the lists, don't panic. There is still time!! At the poll, bring with you the acceptable identification and the Returning Officer can add you on the spot! I suggest trying to get on the list before October 22. It's simpler and it will make voting that much easier!

Questions, concerns? Email me and let's make sure everyone votes!


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