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  • Writer's pictureDee

🎶One is the loneliest number...🎵

But YOU are not alone. You have the citizens of Windsor on your side. However, we need something to bring us together.

Oh, yeah... There is an election in a month. This should unite us but only if you commit to VOTE.

People must get over the 'fear' of an election. We must get the electorate past their apathy. We have to get the electorate to the polls if there is to be any change for the people of Windsor.

  1. There is nothing to fear by voting. You can't choose wrong as long as you are true to yourself. There will always be people that vote differently but you owe them nothing. You owe it yourself to VOTE.

  2. Your VOTE does matter. It matters because it will be combined with the vote of your neighbours and community. Look at the numbers from 2014. Getting every eligible voter to the polls is important. It's not acceptable that so few are making important decisions for so many.

  3. If you believe 'they' won't do anything different, let's change the people that make up 'they'. Nope, a new mayor alone won't necessarily solve problems but he won't be by himself. He has a Council to help. Want a say in the Council? VOTE.

  4. Don't think Council is representative of our City? VOTE. Just as a new mayor can't bring about change by himself, neither can any one council member. Get to the polls and elect that individual you believe will represent your voice.

TOGETHER, we make a difference. We MUST talk about the election. Yes, it is boring, Yes, it tends to be negative. Yes, we don't always know what a Councillor/Mayor can or can't do. Yes, there are many other things I'd like to discuss but we have an election approaching quickly. I can't turn my back of my fellow Windsorites.

Please, don't turn your back on me!! There is a wonderful challenge on Facebook, 1+1= CHANGE.

It's not mine but I wish I would have started it. Please participate. Promise to vote and bring a friend! If you're looking for a ride, leave me an email. Anybody that can vote, and wants to vote, NEEDS to get to the polls. I'm available to be your chauffeur.


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