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  • Writer's pictureDee

Stop! Step back.

Oops, got ahead of myself. You still need to be convinced your vote is important and you need to exercise your democratic right.

EVERY vote counts. There are more people choosing not to vote than to go to the polls. The skeptics and nay-sayers, the antagonists and pessimists, the objectors and rabble rousers... they have the power. THIS MEANS YOU!!

By voting: you are part of something bigger; you connect with a local representative; you demonstrate your support or dislike for municipal government; you stand for something; you help shape OUR future.

It matters because there is strength in numbers. Think about how you & friends put your money together for the greater good. Your $50 doesn't go far by itself, but with the rest of the family, the $500 buys a fantastic wedding gift. Let's harness that same power on October 22.

You need to vote because you deserve a better government. If that doesn't motivate you, please consider this. Vote because I deserve better.

Let's tip the scale the other way!


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