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  • Writer's pictureDee

Yes, it does impact me!

Because haters hate and few people like to talk politics, one of the first things I hear when I am working to promote the municipal vote is "Hey, you're not in my ward so shut it." Here's the truth... Although I am only allowed to vote in the ward where I live, Councillors in every ward impact my life. I may not be able to express myself at the ballot box but I still have a voice.

As well as representing the people of the ward, a Councillor may sit on different boards or committees. Each and every Councillor represents the ward and the city. These Boards, Agencies, Committees and Commissions contemplate what is best for the CITY, not just a certain ward.

Perhaps I don't have a vote, but I have a voice. I'm not trying to promote voting in only Ward 10, I want everyone in Windsor to vote. The councillor elected in Ward 10 will have an impact on your life just like those elected in wards 1-9 will have an effect in Ward 10. I grew up in Ward 6, my Dad is still there, I have concerns. I have nieces in Wards 4 and 5, I have questions. While I live in ward 10, I'm on the border. I do most of my routine shopping in Ward 1. I have an interest in who they elect!

When you get to know the Candidates, learn about those outside your ward. Talk about them. Contact them & ask questions. I assure you, any Candidate wanting election will make time for your questions.

Now, go circle October 22 on your calendar so you remember to vote.


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